Tuscan Kale – Tips and recipes
Tuscan Kale is a vegetable commonly used in Tuscan and Florentine cuisine, but is practically unknown to the rest of Italy. It is the main ingredient in ribollita (a classic Tuscan soup), and is also used in many other traditional recipes that I will discuss later in this article. But first I want to teach you a little about this tasty winter vegetable, from its origins to tips for picking, cleaning, and preparing it.
A short guide to Tuscan Kale

Tuscan Kale is a derived from an ancient cabbage, which does not form a round head but has elongated leaves like a palm. The shape resembles a palm tree with long dark green leaves, blue undertones, a clear central rib and a bubbly surface.
It is planted during the summer but tastes best when harvested after the first winter frost. It is on sale from November to April (although here in Tuscany it is easy to find it all year round, even in the summer months).
How to Choose Tuscan Kale
Choose bunches with thick, full-bodied and completely green leaves. As they age, the leaves become yellow: if you see discolored spots or edges it means that the bunch is no longer fresh. The very best harvest follows the first winter freeze. When they’re available, I prefer to buy sprouts, which have smaller and more flavorful leaves.
How to Prepare Tuscan Kale
Leaves should be cut crosswise. The ribs are harder and thicker than the leaves, so the pieces with a thicker rib will take more time to cook. You may decide to include them (in which case you could cut them into smaller pieces), or remove the leaves from the ribs with a procedure known as sbrucchiatura.
To remove the rib, grasp the base of the leaf with your left hand where the rib is the thickest. Then use your right hand to grasp the leaf in the same place, gripping tightly as you pull your hand up along the rib, taking the leaves off with your hand as you go. When you finish, the rib should be in your left hand and the green leaves should be in your right hand.

Tuscan Kale Recipes
The most famous Tuscan kale recipe is definitely ribollita, where kale is the main ingredient along with Tuscan bread. To learn more about this popular dish and the traditional recipe I use, read the article I wrote on ribollita.
A simple and tasty appetizer is cavolo con le fette (kale with slices), to prepare it: toast slices of Tuscan bread in the oven, top with kale leaves that have been cut and blanched, then dress the whole thing with extra virgin olive oil.
I often prepare Tuscan kale like this: first I blanch the kale leaves for 2-3 minutes, then cut them into thin strips, and finally sauté them with cubes of pancetta (bacon will do if you can’t find pancetta).
I have to admit that I enjoy this precious, tasty veggie so much, that in the winter I use it in almost every minestrone, soup, or vegetable dish that I make!
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